Corpus Christi is full of amazing non-profit organizations that champion one cause or another. If you’re passionate about something, chances are there’s a non-profit in Corpus Christi defending that cause too. Here’s why you should take time out of your busy vacation and visit some of the cool non-profits doing work around the city.

We Care About Our Wildlife


At the Texas Sealife Center, they are dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and release of Texas coastal and aquatic wildlife. They head tons of exciting conservation projects in the area focused on protecting at-risk wildlife in Corpus Christi. Volunteers are the lifeblood of any non-profit organization and if you’re ready, you can join the cause too.
Where it’s at - 14220 S. Padre Island Dr. Corpus Christi, TX 78418

We Get Heated About the Arts

Performing Arts Photo - Harbor Playhouse

Since 1925, Harbor Playhouse has been the Coastal Bend’s premiere live performance venue. Today, it is recognized as one of the oldest and finest community theaters in the country. They showcase everything from popular plays to unique indie productions.
Where it’s at - 1802 N. Chaparral St., Bldg. #2 Corpus Christi, TX 78401

K Space HER.png

K Space Contemporary is a non-profit gallery is devoted to showcasing and promoting contemporary artwork. Their goal is to educate and raise awareness for innovative art in South Texas. K Space provides a platform for under-represented artists whose works are experimental and non-commercial.
Where it’s at - 415 Starr Street Corpus Christi, TX 78401

We are Devoted to Our History

The Columbus Sailing Association has tasked themselves with the maintenance, restoration and preservation of La Nina, the last remaining replica of the Columbus Fleet, the ships that carried Christopher Columbus and his crew across the Atlantic Ocean. After Hurricane Harvey, La Nina was sunk and has since been recovered. However, they still need help taking care of and maintaining the ship. Volunteers and donations are always welcome!
Where it’s at - Lawrence Street T-Head Corpus Christi, TX 78401

Corpus Christi is home to numerous non-profit organizations that support a wide variety of causes. If you feel passionate about a certain cause, there’s certain to be a non-profit in Corpus Christi devoted to it. Non-profits helps create change, and by supporting these non-profit organizations, you are helping create that change.

Learn more about these and more non-profit organizations in Corpus Christi here.